
User confessions

Nice idea, i run a few confession websites and this plugin may give me best of bothorlds.

Need to be anonymous, no screen name attached.

Apr 3 '17 · Comments: 3
notification confession tester
Mar 16 '16 · Comments: 2
After graduating, I can now honestly say that I'll miss this place like crazy, from the crappy teachers to the lacking school lunches ill miss seeing my fellow classmates every day. I know ill barley ever get to check this page in the coming future so as a student whose gone through problems with grades, teachers, girls etc. I'll leave you all with one piece of advice. Live everyday like its your last day at this school, because if you can hold onto this feeling you'll have a great time here, but if you cant truly grasp this concept, wait until your a senior with about a week of school left, you'll understand what I mean. Well I wish you all the best of luck. MHS c/o 2013!
Mar 19 '14 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 2 · Tags: education, school, graduation
I love you with my heart
I love you with my soul
I know you don’t believe in me
but trust me for I know
my love is deep
my love is true
and it will never fade
so tell me now
and tell me true
Mar 19 '14 · Comments: 1 · Tags: love, heart
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